[GH #734] Issue with Collapsing with React re-rendering

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64850428> #<Tag:0x00007efc64850270>

Continuing the discussion from [GH #6879] How does Handsontable keep collapsed columns after state change in react:

I’m having an issue similar to this but it still is persisted in the latest version. Whenever you collapse a column and some state changes. react re-renders which results in having the icon to be reseted and so is spacing some of the contents are missing due to this issue

Hi @joel.roy

I checked your example, but during the tests I didn’t notice anything out of the order. Can you please provide the steps on how to get the same results?

Hi @adrian.szymanski,

collapse any of the columns, click on the re-render button the collapse icon resets back. but columns are still hidden, when you try to toggle the collapse icon again. you’ll see empty white space in place of missing columns. try collapsing the top most node. the issue is apparent on that rather than child headers.

Hi @joel.roy

Thank you for the steps, now I can reproduce it. After further investigation it turned out to be a bug within the plugin and I reported it internally. I’ll update you once it gets on our roadmap and is fixed.

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Thank you so much.