[GH #8799, #5687] Data rendering is slow on dynamic merge

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc61b6b2f0> #<Tag:0x00007efc61b6adc8>

We have a situation, based on value in a particular cell dynamically rows and cells get merge. In this case the data is binding perfectly but its rendering slowly and user will not know whether its working or not.

Hi @abhilash.keerampara

Merging larger areas of cells may cause some performance degradation. Can you share a bit more details on

  • how many cells are merged
  • what’s the logic under merging (what action trigger merging)
  • how many cells are merged : there can be 10 rows and 10-15 cells to merge within the row.
  • what’s the logic under merging (what action trigger merging) : We are appending the mergeCells property and trigger hotTable.updateSettings with new merge cells like

this.hotTable.updateSettings({ mergeCells: mergCells });

You can wrap the this.hotTable.updateSettings({ mergeCells: mergCells }); with this.hotTable.batch() but that won’t drastically change the performance.

Hi @abhilash.keerampara

As there are no additional questions I can only set myself a notification to update you once any of the two mergeCells + performance issue from this list https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A"Merge+cells"+label%3A"Core%3A+Performance" are fixed.