[GH-DEV #1804] Merge cells issue with migration to 14.0

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Hello all,

we are using Handsontable in a React app and currently upgrading it from 12.1.2 to 14.0.0, and we are encountering some errors which weren’t happening before:

  • The first one we could recreate in attached demo. You can see that the values in the ‘Year’ column are not displayed, but if we remove the value of the ‘mergeCells’ property, then the ‘Year’ column values are displayed as expected (But we don’t get the first column merged, as required for us).

  • The second issue we could not reproduce it in this demo, but in this same situation of the demo, in our app it will also throw the following exception (also screenshot attached):
    Cannot assign to read only property 'grapes' of object '#<Object>’

Note that we are nowhere sitting properties as readonly.

We have checked the migration guides to the upgrade we did, and no changes you made seems to refer to this part.

Working version demo in 12.1.2: https://jsfiddle.net/0v5q7rc8/
Same demo in 14.0.0: https://jsfiddle.net/kmwpL1vx/1/

Thank you

Hi @jonas.witt

Thank you for reporting this. This is indeed a bug, but it was introduced in v.12.2.0 by some changes in mergeCells plugin. I will report it internally for further investigation.

As for the second issue. I would need to see the example where the problem is replicable, preferably in most minified form, only with the logic generating the issue.

Thank you for the quick answer @adrian.szymanski .

Could you keep us posted on the progress regarding issue 1, as it is blocking our migration?
As for the second issue, I will try to reproduce it in a demo.

Hi @jonas.witt

Of course. I will update you once it gets on our roadmap.

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Hey again @adrian.szymanski,

do you have any update regarding the first mentioned bug? Or any link to any Github bug ticket that we could follow?

We need to update Handsontable in order to create new features and fixing some bugs, but this is blocking us from doing that.

Thank you.

Hi @jonas.witt

@adrian.szymanski is on leave and will be back on Monday.

I do not see this issue in the current sprint. However, we treat regressions as the number 1 priority, so that should be added soon.

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Hello @aleksandra_budnik,

do you have news for us regards to the mergeCell bug? Or some timeline?
And could you please share a link for the reported issue for us to follow? Couldn’t find anything in Github.

Not being able to update Handsontable is preventing us to implement new features.

Thank you

Hi @jonas.witt

Sorry for keeping you waiting. We were extremely busy with the v15.0.0 scope of the new React wrapper and Themes. Now, when we finally released v15 we may be fill the todo list with other tasks. I have added the issue to the list. We should get an updated soon.

Hi @jonas.witt

I already got feedback from our developer

Since, handsontable/handsontable#9884, merging cells clears all the cells in the selection except the top-left one.

When multiple cells point to the same entry in the dataset and merging the cells clears that entry, that will be reflected in the other cells that read off of that, regardless of the data type of that entry.

That was an intended decision, so in this case you’d need to alter the way you pass data to cells.