There is a problem with the right-click popup menu)

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c1559aa0> #<Tag:0x00007f51c15591e0>

When I click the right mouse button, sometimes the menu pops up normally, and sometimes the command in the menu is executed directly.
I think this should have something to do with where the menu pops up, when I debug in the browser, I make an adjustment to the size of the web page, and then the menu pops up at the top right of the mouse and automatically clicks on the last menu item, this problem happens in linux, not in windows.

I think the reason is as follows: when you press the right mouse button, the menu pops up, due to the pixel calculation error caused by scaling, the pop-up menu item will appear directly under the mouse and be selected by default, and when you release the right mouse button, it will determine whether there is a selected menu item, and if so, execute the menu command.

Please check, thanks!

Hi @1059643141

I think that we the issue you are referring to is the regression we found in versions 15.0+.

Could please confirm the scenario?

Steps to reproduce and example

  1. Go to
  2. Right-click on the cells in the bottom-right frame corner.


Thanks for your reply. Yes, it’s this scenario. Is there any plan for fixing this?

Yes, it is already fixed on our develop branch. Tomorrow we’re planning to start a code freeze, so the release should be ready for the next Wednesday. I will update you as soon as the new version is released.

OK, thank you! :smile:

Hi @1059643141

I have great news today! The issues that we discussed are closed as solved in v15.2.0.

Please go to our Changelog for more details about the changes and additions in this version:

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