[GH-DEV #269] Here’s a professional and concise feedback message you can use to address the issue of nestedRows not supporting virtualization in Handsontable

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Dear Handsontable Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to provide feedback regarding the nestedRows feature in Handsontable. While the feature is incredibly useful for displaying hierarchical data, I have noticed that it does not support virtualization (virtual scrolling).

In scenarios with large datasets, the absence of virtualization can lead to performance issues, as the entire dataset is rendered in the DOM, causing slowdowns and impacting user experience. Virtualization is a critical optimization for handling large amounts of data efficiently, and its absence in nestedRows limits the feature’s usability in performance-sensitive applications.

I would like to kindly request the addition of virtualization support for nestedRows in future updates. This enhancement would significantly improve the performance and scalability of Handsontable when working with hierarchical data structures.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your continued efforts to make Handsontable a powerful and versatile tool for developers. Please let me know if there are any updates or plans regarding this feature.

Hi @AexFreedom

Virtualization also works for nestedRows. You can test it at https://jsfiddle.net/rqwca2ek/.

When we load the example we can see row index 22 as the last one in the DOM. Then when you scroll to the bottom we have new rows added

And the top rows are also removed from the DOM, and the first visible TR element has index 8. (that may depends on your system scale and browser zoom).

Thank you for your reply! I found the issue: when I set preventOverflow: "horizontal" , the Virtualization stops working. This might be a bug. By the way, I’m using handsontable/vue.

Yes, preventOverflow seems to alter that behavior in an unexpected way. Thank you for sharing. I will investigate that subject further in the end if the week (now we are preparing to release Handsontable v15.1.0).