Handsontable 7 with RequireJS not working

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b25ac79b8>

We use licensed version of handsontable-pro version 6.2.3 with Requirejs. It use to work fine, no issues. Yesterday I migrated to handsontable 7, and it fails to work with Requirejs. I came to know that handsontable-pro has been merged to handsontable. What changed in handsontable that prevents it from use it as an amd module with Requirejs? Please advise.


Nothing should change. Handsontable provides CommonJS module that has support for AMD.

Check this example: http://jsfiddle.net/wdu0qzes/1/

Kind regards,

Thank you for the response. I see you are using handsontable.full.js in the example. But it doesn’t work if I replace it with handsontable.js. We didn’t use the full version when we used 6.2.3, it use to work fine.

In that case you probably had to define all the dependencies? Would be helpful if you could share a jsfiddle.

Here’s an example without full: http://jsfiddle.net/b1da2s9v/

I believe that we can close the topic as there is no reply for a week. If you’re still having the same issue please send me a demo at support@handsontable.com