Handsontable autocomplete drop down list is overlapped

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f136067aed8>

Hello All,

I’ve used autocomplete but it’s overlapped by another handsontable (1.10.1). How can I fix my problem. Here is my code:

colHeaders: ['Email', 'Customer', 'RFQ Title', 'Deadline', 'Company'], // first table
		startRows: 1,
		startCols: 5,
		fixedRowsTop: 0,
		manualColumnResize: false,
		manualRowResize: false,
		height: 80, // because of stretchH it should be use
		stretchH: 'all',

And my css:

#maintable // first table
	z-index: 2;
#handsontable // second table (bottom one)
	z-index: 1;

The autocomplete menu is overlapped by the bottom handsontable.

Hi @bataak1

Unfortunately, it is a known behavior. Here is a demo where I provide some kind of workaround http://jsfiddle.net/handsoncode/xedrhpzh/

Let me know if it works for your project.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik

It doesn’t work.

As I assume you get the same behavior, right? I guess that I would need to see a live demo to test it for a solution

I guess that you have solved the issue as there is no response for a month so I am closing this issue.