Handsontable dropdownMenu error filter

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f135faa6300>

When updating Handsontable to version 14.0.0, a problem arose when using the dropdownMenu property with a specific string array:


clicking ok to filter a value, the following error happens:


By the way, it’s happening in the documentation too:

Hi @solvel.bruna

Thank you for contacting us. We are aware of this problem and is already fixed. The fix will be available in the next release, in v.14.1 which should be out by the end of January. I will let you know once it’s released.

Ok, thanks for answering!

Hi @solvel.bruna

We just released v14.1.0, where this issue is fixed. Thank you again for reporting!

Here you can read more about the changes that we introduced and issues that were fixed https://handsontable.com/blog/handsontable-14-1-0-typescript-ssr-improvements