Thanks for a great product. I am using it non-commercially atm and like it a lot. Note, this is a c+p of my Stackoverflow question Handsontable not loading when using webpack
I’ve recently switched over to webpack from manually loading my JS libraries. Like others (see: #4053 and #3718) I’ve had to tamper with webpack.config.js
, it now looks like so:
const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack'); //to access built-in plugins
module.exports = {
entry: './src/flaemi.js',
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, 'static'),
filename: 'flaemi.js'
module : {
noParse: [path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules/handsontable/dist/handsontable.full.js')],
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: [ { loader: 'style-loader' },
{ loader: 'css-loader' } ]
test: /\.(png|jpg|svg)$/,
use: [ { loader : 'url-loader?limit=30000&name=images/[name].[ext]' } ]
plugins : [
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
"$": "jquery",
"jQuery": "jquery",
resolve : {
alias: {
// bind version of jquery-ui
"jquery-ui": "jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js",
// bind to modules;
modules: path.join(__dirname, "node_modules"),
'handsontable': path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules/handsontable/dist/handsontable.full.js'),
'handsontable.css': path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/handsontable/dist/handsontable.full.css')}
I’m not sure if I need to include dependencies for Handsontable or not in package.json
but I did anyway:
"name": "flaemi",
"version": "0.2.4",
"description": "Flaemi is a geographical data visualizer.",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"keywords": [
"author": "Hrafn Malmquist",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"css-loader": "^2.1.1",
"file-loader": "^3.0.1",
"style-loader": "^0.23.1",
"url-loader": "^1.1.2",
"webpack": "^4.29.6",
"webpack-cli": "^3.3.0"
"dependencies": {
"bootstrap": "^4.3.1",
"bootstrap-select": "^1.13.8",
"bootstrap4-toggle": "^3.4.0",
"d3": "^5.9.2",
"handsontable": "^7.0.2",
"hot-formula-parser": "^3.0.0",
"jquery": "^3.3.1",
"jquery-ui": "^1.12.1",
"moment": "^2.20.1",
"numbro": "^2.1.2",
"pikaday": "^1.5.1",
"popper.js": "^1.14.7",
"topojson": "^3.0.2"
When I run webpack to bundle the js and include the standard demo “Headers” (JS fiddle available in link) handsontable grid it won’t load properly and there’s no error.
JS code is taken from that fiddle:
var dataObject = [
id: 1,
flag: 'EUR',
currencyCode: 'EUR',
currency: 'Euro',
level: 0.9033,
units: 'EUR / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0026
id: 2,
flag: 'JPY',
currencyCode: 'JPY',
currency: 'Japanese Yen',
level: 124.3870,
units: 'JPY / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0001
id: 3,
flag: 'GBP',
currencyCode: 'GBP',
currency: 'Pound Sterling',
level: 0.6396,
units: 'GBP / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.00
id: 4,
flag: 'CHF',
currencyCode: 'CHF',
currency: 'Swiss Franc',
level: 0.9775,
units: 'CHF / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0008
id: 5,
flag: 'CAD',
currencyCode: 'CAD',
currency: 'Canadian Dollar',
level: 1.3097,
units: 'CAD / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: -0.0005
id: 6,
flag: 'AUD',
currencyCode: 'AUD',
currency: 'Australian Dollar',
level: 1.3589,
units: 'AUD / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0020
id: 7,
flag: 'NZD',
currencyCode: 'NZD',
currency: 'New Zealand Dollar',
level: 1.5218,
units: 'NZD / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: -0.0036
id: 8,
flag: 'SEK',
currencyCode: 'SEK',
currency: 'Swedish Krona',
level: 8.5280,
units: 'SEK / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0016
id: 9,
flag: 'NOK',
currencyCode: 'NOK',
currency: 'Norwegian Krone',
level: 8.2433,
units: 'NOK / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0008
id: 10,
flag: 'BRL',
currencyCode: 'BRL',
currency: 'Brazilian Real',
level: 3.4806,
units: 'BRL / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: -0.0009
id: 11,
flag: 'CNY',
currencyCode: 'CNY',
currency: 'Chinese Yuan',
level: 6.3961,
units: 'CNY / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0004
id: 12,
flag: 'RUB',
currencyCode: 'RUB',
currency: 'Russian Rouble',
level: 65.5980,
units: 'RUB / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0059
id: 13,
flag: 'INR',
currencyCode: 'INR',
currency: 'Indian Rupee',
level: 65.3724,
units: 'INR / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0026
id: 14,
flag: 'TRY',
currencyCode: 'TRY',
currency: 'New Turkish Lira',
level: 2.8689,
units: 'TRY / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0092
id: 15,
flag: 'THB',
currencyCode: 'THB',
currency: 'Thai Baht',
level: 35.5029,
units: 'THB / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0044
id: 16,
flag: 'IDR',
currencyCode: 'IDR',
currency: 'Indonesian Rupiah',
level: 13.83,
units: 'IDR / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: -0.0009
id: 17,
flag: 'MYR',
currencyCode: 'MYR',
currency: 'Malaysian Ringgit',
level: 4.0949,
units: 'MYR / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0010
id: 18,
flag: 'MXN',
currencyCode: 'MXN',
currency: 'Mexican New Peso',
level: 16.4309,
units: 'MXN / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0017
id: 19,
flag: 'ARS',
currencyCode: 'ARS',
currency: 'Argentinian Peso',
level: 9.2534,
units: 'ARS / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0011
id: 20,
flag: 'DKK',
currencyCode: 'DKK',
currency: 'Danish Krone',
level: 6.7417,
units: 'DKK / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0025
id: 21,
flag: 'ILS',
currencyCode: 'ILS',
currency: 'Israeli New Sheqel',
level: 3.8262,
units: 'ILS / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0084
id: 22,
flag: 'PHP',
currencyCode: 'PHP',
currency: 'Philippine Peso',
level: 46.3108,
units: 'PHP / USD',
asOf: '08/19/2019',
onedChng: 0.0012
var currencyCodes = ['EUR', 'JPY', 'GBP', 'CHF', 'CAD', 'AUD', 'NZD', 'SEK', 'NOK', 'BRL', 'CNY', 'RUB', 'INR', 'TRY', 'THB', 'IDR', 'MYR', 'MXN', 'ARS', 'DKK', 'ILS', 'PHP'];
var flagRenderer = function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
var currencyCode = value;
while (td.firstChild) {
if (currencyCodes.indexOf(currencyCode) > -1) {
var flagElement = document.createElement('DIV');
flagElement.className = 'flag ' + currencyCode.toLowerCase();
} else {
var textNode = document.createTextNode(value === null ? '' : value);
var hotElement = document.querySelector('#hot');
var hotElementContainer = hotElement.parentNode;
var hotSettings = {
data: dataObject,
columns: [
data: 'id',
type: 'numeric',
width: 40
data: 'flag',
renderer: flagRenderer
data: 'currencyCode',
type: 'text'
data: 'currency',
type: 'text'
data: 'level',
type: 'numeric',
numericFormat: {
pattern: '0.0000'
data: 'units',
type: 'text'
data: 'asOf',
type: 'date',
dateFormat: 'MM/DD/YYYY'
data: 'onedChng',
type: 'numeric',
numericFormat: {
pattern: '0.00%'
stretchH: 'all',
width: 450,
autoWrapRow: true,
height: 487,
maxRows: 22,
rowHeaders: true,
colHeaders: [
var hot = new Handsontable(hotElement, hotSettings);
The strange behaviour is that the Handsontable UI or spreadsheet won’t be shown, only the v.7.0 license requirement text in the footer.
I’ve confirmed that the data loads by running console.log(hot.getSourceData())
which shows the correct data from above. If the data was loaded and rendered correctly it would show the header part as having the 8 column headers defined above like so:
<thead><tr><th class=""><div class="relative"><span class="colHeader cornerHeader"> </span></div></th><th class=""><div class="relative"><span class="colHeader">ID</span></div></th><th class=""><div class="relative"><span class="colHeader">Country</span></div></th><th class=""><div class="relative"><span class="colHeader">Code</span></div></th><th class=""><div class="relative"><span class="colHeader">Currency</span></div></th><th class=""><div class="relative"><span class="colHeader">Level</span></div></th><th class=""><div class="relative"><span class="colHeader">Units</span></div></th><th class=""><div class="relative"><span class="colHeader">Date</span></div></th><th class=""><div class="relative"><span class="colHeader">Change</span></div></th></tr></thead>
what I get instead is:
<thead><tr><th class=""><div class="relative"><span class="colHeader cornerHeader"> </span></div></th><th class=""><div class="relative"><span class="colHeader">ID</span></div></th></tr></thead>
but nothing is rendered and I only get the white default background. The only evidence of having included Handsontable to begin with is the license text printout.
And here’s the really weird part. By loading the page and interacted with it in Chrome by using Inspect it will sometimes render but I can discern no consistency in when that happens and anyway, that doesn’t make sense at all to me.
If I switch from the recent Handsontable v. 7.0.2 over to 6.2.2 the bundled JS is 300 kb lighter! and the error is different in that the ID column will show with listed ids and when one cell is selected the rest of the spreadsheet is rendered and everything is normal.