Handsontable on more row render event

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51bfa34ab8>

I am trying to load quite a large set of data. I like the fact that handsontable ‘kind of’ implements infinite scroll by only rendering a few rows at a time. I have currently set 250 rows and 20 columns for viewportOffset.

Now this makes the scrolling much convenient and faster; however, there are still quite a bit of lag in loading rows when I go past the 250 mark.

So I would like to put in a loading screen and disable scrolling until all the offsets are loaded. I think it would make user experience much better.

Which events should I bind to for this purpose?


Hi @jihochoi1123

first of all that you for the kind words. We were debating if we should keep the smoothness or just skip the data while scrolling.

I have to say that you have an interesting idea. The offset doesn’t have its own callbacks but you can use the afterRender hook. If fires when all data is loaded.