@handsontable/vue3 in Laravel defineComponent error

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b28608938>

I have been unsuccessful in attempting to generate a vue3 component in Laravel 9 based on the following: https://handsontable.com/docs/vue3-installation/#vue-3-version-support.

Should I be importing anything else that is not outlined in the basic usage?

The warnings and errors are as follow:

WARNING in ./node_modules/@handsontable/vue3/es/vue-handsontable.js 132:15-30
export ‘defineComponent’ (imported as ‘defineComponent’) was not found in ‘vue’ (possible exports: default)

Uncaught TypeError: (0 , vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.defineComponent) is not a function

Hi @johnsjobs7

It seems that this issue might be connected to Laravel itself. Here https://code-hoon.tistory.com/55?category=972033 is the same error message after an attempt to install fort awesome.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik

The issue was down to the version of vue.
After updating vue, everything worked as expected.

Thank you for the feedback. I’m closing this issue as solved.