[help needed] How to move the column with its header

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc7290ee88>

Is there a similar plugin to ‘bindRowsWithHeaders’ for column case.
Currently if you move one column, the header will not change.

By searching this forum, I find there is a similar case :

How is the progress for 1029 now?
This is really a powerful feature.

Hi @semix1

the moving of column headers should allow you to move them with header titles. Here is an example http://jsfiddle.net/fxjvk5oc/

NestedHeaders, on the other hand, is something different. The nestedHeaders structure is only a layer of data made by a ghost Handsobtable. Underneath that, you still have headers like this

If you would like to change it, theoretically, you could use updateSettings to change the nestedHeaders settings via the afterColumnMove hook but I haven’t tried it yet.