Help with efficiency of Handsontable which is currently lagging/crashing browser

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b97b38a8>


We have a Handsontable setup with just over 1200 rows of data, we want to use formulas on the data and knew applying formulas to all the data would kill the table.

Therefore when editing a specific cell, we recalculated that particular row on the cell change to try to get around this.

The data displays quickly but then on edit, it works, but it is very slow to use (pretty much unusable) and can sometimes crash the browser (latest Chrome).

Do you have any recommendations for making the code below more efficient to try to speed this up?

            // Once the DOM content has loaded

            document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

            	// Set the table data

            	var data = [

            		// My 1200+ items are looped through here.

            	// Define the container

            	var container = document.getElementById( 'spc-spreadsheet' );

            	// Percent Profit Custom Renderer

            	function percentProfitRenderer( instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties ) {

            		Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply( this, arguments );

            		// If value less than 0

            		if( value < 0 ) {

            			// Set cell purple

      = 'bold';
      = 'white';
      = 'purple';


            		// If value between and including 1 and 9

            		if( value > 0 && value < 10 ) {

            			// Set cell red

      = 'bold';
      = 'white';
      = 'red';


            		// If greater than 10 and lower than or equal to 15

            		if ( value > 10 && value <= 15 ) {

            			// Set cell orange

      = 'bold';
      = 'black';
      = 'orange';


            		// If value is greater than 15

            		if ( value > 15 ) {

            			// Set cell green

      = 'bold';
      = 'white';
      = 'green';



            	// Instantiate a new handson table using the variable hot

            	var hot = new Handsontable(container, {
            		// General configuration options
            		data: data,
            		stretchH: 'all',
            		rowHeaders: true,
            		colHeaders: true,
            		filters: true,
            		dropdownMenu: true,
            		formulas: true,
            		columnSorting: true,
            		sortIndicator: true,
            		// Column headers
            		colHeaders: [ 'Col 1', 'Col 2', 'Col 3', 'Col 4', 'Col 5', 'Col 6', 'Col 7', 'Col 8', 'Col 9', 'Col 10', 'Col 11', 'Col 12', 'Col 13', 'Col 14', 'Col 15', 'Col 16', 'Col 17', 'Col 18', 'Col 19', 'Col 20' , 'Col 21', 'Col 22', 'Col 23', 'Col 24', 'Col 25', 'Col 26' ],
            		// Columns with sorting enabled
            		columns: [
            			{data: 0},
            			{data: 1},
            				data: 2,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 3,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 4,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 5,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 6,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 7,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 8,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 9,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 10,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 11,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 12,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 13,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 14,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 15,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 16,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 17,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 18,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 19,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 20,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 21,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 22,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            				data: 23,
            				type: 'numeric',
            				format: '0.00',
            			{data: 24},
            			{data: 25},
            		cells: function (row, col, prop) {
            			var cellProperties = {};

            			if( col === 16 || col === 19 || col === 22 ) {

            				// Use the percent profit renderer to conditionally format
            				cellProperties.renderer = percentProfitRenderer;


            			return cellProperties;


            	Setter is false on load, after a cell is changed the setter becomes true, this allows the new data to be calculated and then the new data can be set on the cells, when they are set they trigger the afterChange function again, the setter is still true and therefore does not get stuck in an infinte loop. If this was only in place then it would not calculate row changes if you try to edit the same row again, therefore the setter needs to be set back to false periodically to allow this. This wants to be shorter time than it could take for a user to edit a row and then attempt to edit it again. If it is a higher number it will not allow the change to occur until the setter has been reset.

            	// Set a variable which is false

            	afterChangeSetter = false;

            	// Every second turn the setter back to false

            		afterChangeSetter = false;
            	}, 1000);

            	// Upon a cell value change

            	hot.addHook( 'afterChange', function( changes, src ) {

            		// If the setter is not false

            		if( afterChangeSetter == false ) {

            			// Set the setter to true

            			afterChangeSetter = true;

            			// Get the current changed row (this will return a number starting from 0 not 1)

            			var changedRow = changes[0][0];

            			// Set the current row variable to the change row starting zero number

            			var currentRow = changedRow;

            			// Get and store the cell data needed for calculations for the current changed row

            			var netTrade = ( parseFloat( hot.getDataAtCell( currentRow, 2 ) ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var delivery = ( parseFloat( hot.getDataAtCell( currentRow, 3 ) ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var web = ( parseFloat( hot.getDataAtCell( currentRow, 14 ) ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var ebay = ( parseFloat( hot.getDataAtCell( currentRow, 17 ) ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var amazon = ( parseFloat( hot.getDataAtCell( currentRow, 20 ) ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var dollarTradePrice = ( parseFloat( hot.getDataAtCell( currentRow, 23 ) ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var ebayFeeCategory = hot.getDataAtCell( currentRow, 24 );
            			var amazonFeeCategory = hot.getDataAtCell( currentRow, 25 );

            			if( isNaN( dollarTradePrice ) ) {
            				dollarTradePrice = ''; // If the $ Trade Price is NaN then set to blank, otherwise NaN appears in cell

            			var webPaypalFee = ( ( parseFloat( web ) * parseFloat( 0.012 ) ) + parseFloat( 0.20 ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var webTgcNett = ( parseFloat( netTrade ) + parseFloat( delivery ) + parseFloat( webPaypalFee ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var webCtc = ( parseFloat( webTgcNett ) * parseFloat( 1.2 ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var ebayPaypalFee = ( ( parseFloat( ebay ) * parseFloat( 0.014 ) ) + parseFloat( 0.20 ) ).toFixed(2);

            			var ebayFee = 0.00;

            			if( ebayFeeCategory == 'home_furniture_diy_appliances' ) {

            				if( parseFloat( ebay ) < parseFloat( 400 ) ) {
            					var ebayFee = ( parseFloat( ebay ) * parseFloat( 0.05 ) ).toFixed(2);

            				if( parseFloat( ebay ) == parseFloat( 400 ) ) {
            					var ebayFee = ( parseFloat( 20.00 ) ).toFixed(2);

            				if( parseFloat( ebay ) > parseFloat( 400 ) ) {
            					var ebayFee = ( parseFloat( 20.00 ) ).toFixed(2);

            			} else {

            				var ebayFee = ( parseFloat( ebay ) * parseFloat( 0.1 ) ).toFixed(2);


            			var ebayTgcNett = ( parseFloat( netTrade ) + parseFloat( delivery ) + parseFloat( ebayPaypalFee ) + parseFloat( ebayFee ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var ebayCtc = ( parseFloat( ebayTgcNett ) * parseFloat( 1.2 ) ).toFixed(2);

            			if( amazonFeeCategory == 'diy_tools' ) {

            				var amazonFee = ( parseFloat( amazon ) * parseFloat( 0.12 ) ).toFixed(2);

            			} else {

            				if( amazonFeeCategory == 'large_appliances' ) {

            					var amazonFee = ( parseFloat( amazon ) * parseFloat( 0.07 ) ).toFixed(2);

            				} else {

            					if( amazonFeeCategory == 'large_appliances_exceptions' ) {

            						var amazonFee = ( parseFloat( amazon ) * parseFloat( 0.15 ) ).toFixed(2);

            					} else {

            						var amazonFee = ( parseFloat( amazon ) * parseFloat( 0.15 ) ).toFixed(2);




            			var amazonTgcNett = ( parseFloat( netTrade ) + parseFloat( delivery ) + parseFloat( amazonFee ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var amazonCtc = ( parseFloat( amazonTgcNett ) * parseFloat( 1.2 ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var webProfit = ( ( parseFloat( web ) - parseFloat( webCtc ) ) / parseFloat( 1.2 ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var webPercent = ( ( parseFloat( webProfit ) / parseFloat( webCtc ) ) * 100 ).toFixed(2);
            			var ebayProfit = ( ( parseFloat( ebay ) - parseFloat( ebayCtc ) ) / parseFloat( 1.2 ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var ebayPercent = ( ( parseFloat( ebayProfit ) / parseFloat( ebayCtc ) ) * 100 ).toFixed(2);
            			var amazonProfit = ( ( parseFloat( amazon ) - parseFloat( amazonCtc ) ) / parseFloat( 1.2 ) ).toFixed(2);
            			var amazonPercent = ( ( parseFloat( amazonProfit ) / parseFloat( amazonCtc ) ) * 100 ).toFixed(2);

            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 2, netTrade );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 3, delivery );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 4, webPaypalFee );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 5, webTgcNett );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 6, webCtc );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 7, ebayPaypalFee );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 8, ebayFee );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 9, ebayTgcNett );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 10, ebayCtc );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 11, amazonFee );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 12, amazonTgcNett );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 13, amazonCtc );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 15, webProfit );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 16, webPercent );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 18, ebayProfit );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 19, ebayPercent );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 21, amazonProfit );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 22, amazonPercent);
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 23, dollarTradePrice );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 24, ebayFeeCategory );
            			hot.setDataAtCell( currentRow, 25, amazonFeeCategory );		




            	var exportPlugin = hot.getPlugin( 'exportFile' );
            	var exportButton = document.getElementById( 'spc-export' );

            	exportButton.addEventListener( 'click', function() {

            		exportPlugin.downloadFile( 'csv', {

            			columnHeaders: true,
            			filename: 'exported_file',




Hi @davidboom

I have placed the code in JSFiddle at and it does not seem to work slow. I have tried to:

  • edit single cell
  • erase single cell and an area
  • filter the data

Does the fiddle work slow for you?
I am using Windows 10 and Chrome 63

@aleksandra_budnik I think this is because you aren’t including ‘upon a cell value change’ part in your code, so when a cell in a row is changed, the data across the row is updated as per the calculations set in the ‘afterChange’ function.

Sorry, my bad! I have missed a large amount of code in the fiddle.

The reason it is so slow is the setDataAtCell method. Each time it is called the data is reloaded.

You can test it by adding

afterRenderer: function(){

If you are changing the data inside a single row, you can try to delete a row and then push a new row of data in the same place.

Hmm sounds good, will attempt this when I have more time :frowning:

I keep my fingers crossed.

I will keep this topic opened. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik,

I’ve managed to get the row to delete on cell change and replace it with a blank row, I have the data for the row in jQuery variables ready to populate the row but can’t seem to find a function to add that data into the new row i’ve created?

I’ve used hot.alter( ‘insert_row’, rowNumber ); to create the row.

Managed to achieve this by using this code, for anyone else having similar issues:

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

    	// Setup initial table

      var myData = [

      var container = document.getElementById('example1'), hot;
      hot = new Handsontable(container, {
        data: myData,
        colHeaders: true,
        columnSorting : true


      // After cell change e.g. change the row with 2,2,2 to 22,2,2

      hot.addHook( 'afterChange', function( changes, src ) {
        if( src !== 'populateFromArray' ) {


          // Variable containing the changed row number

          var changedRow = changes[0][0];
          //console.log ( 'Changed Row: ' + changedRow );

          // Remove row 1

          hot.alter( 'remove_row', changedRow );

          // Add blank row 1

          hot.alter( 'insert_row', changedRow );

          // Populate row 1 with new row data

          var newRowData = [["A","B","C"]];
          hot.populateFromArray( changedRow,0,newRowData );



Thank you for sharing the solution.

I keep my fingers crossed for further progress with the project.