Hook that gets fired when a cell comment shows up

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f135f76a0d8>


Is there a kind of hook that would get fired if a cell comment shows up? I wanna be able to adjust the cell’s comment position because right now, it’s overflowing. See screenshot below:



Hi @eabardies

It seems that this issue is already reported here https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/4785

At the moment this issue is marked as [done] and it waits on the develop branch to be released in Handsontable v12.1.0 (next release). We are nearly there with all the checks for the new version so the launch should be soon.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik,

Thank you for the information! :slight_smile:

I’ve actually found this issue in the past but was hoping that the fix is already in place.

Thanks again! :slight_smile:

Hi @eabardies

I have good news. We just launched the Handsontable v12.1.0, where the issue https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/4785 (about comments positioning) is fixed.

Here you can read the full list of changes https://handsontable.com/docs/release-notes/#_12-1-0.

Thanks @aleksandra_budnik! How can we update to the latest version? I have tried running the npm install handsontable@12 but the issue in the comment is still there.

Do you use a wrapper (Angular/React/Vue)?

Yes, I’m using Angular.

so you should update the wrapper first and then check with the npm list --depth-1 if your Handsontable version also updated to v12.1.0. If not run the npm i handsontable@12.1.0

This is how it looks now

Looks like it’s been updated to 12.1.0 but the comment issue is still there, am I missing something?

Maybe you import the handsontable-pro within your component. It’s there in the dependencies.
You can log Handsontable.version in the project to check what version is in use.

Oh yeah, in my component, it’s importing from handsontable-pro, when I checked the version thru Handsontable.version, it’s coming back as 6.2.3. Hmm, what is your advise on this one?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I would removing the handsontable-pro entirely if you have the active support and maintenance plan to use Handsontable v12.1.0. Just be sure to check out our migration guides and since v6.2.3 we have a lot of breaking changes, with v8 being the most “life-changing” version in my opinion.

v7.x to v8 - https://handsontable.com/docs/migration-from-7.4-to-8.0/#overview

Next major versions

Okay okay. We’ll make a plan to remove handsontable-pro entirely then. Looks like this will be a lot but thank you! :slight_smile:

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