Horizontal position changes to last column of table after performing "insert row"

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64674f00> #<Tag:0x00007efc64674d70>


In Handson version 14.1, When adding a row using context menu option insert row above , handson table scroll to the right most side (to the last column).

  1. In the below JSFiddle example, right click on the the row
  2. Select insert row above from the context menu
  3. Observe that scrollbar scrolls to the right most side of the table (i.e last column)


Additional note: In Handson version 12.1, the above behaviour is working fine: https://jsfiddle.net/ucoh40Lb/1/, is this is intentionally change or just a bug?

We are an existing customer and this is creating issues in our live product environment. It would be great if this could be fixed.


Hi @siddhantjain15298

Thank you for contacting us. We have this issue reported internally as a bug. We have yet to investigate and estimate it. I will update you once it’s fixed.

Hi @adrian.szymanski
It’s been a week we have raised the issue. Just wanted to know what is the ETA & Can we also have link of GitHub to track the progress ?

Hi @siddhantjain15298

The issue has been already fixed and will it will be included with the next release with version 14.4.0. It should be out before the end of the May. I will update you once it’s released.

Hi @adrian.szymanski
When can we expect the release of handsontable version 14.4.0?

Hi @siddhantjain15298

We’ve had a little delay, but it should be out this week. I’ll let you know once the release is live.

Hi @siddhantjain15298

I have good news! This issue is no longer present in v. 14.3.0. You can check it in this example: https://jsfiddle.net/handsoncode/ypf3boz7/

Hi @adrian.szymanski
Still, I can see the issue still present in jsfiddle provided when I clicked on insert row above event from the context menu scroller move to the last column of the table.
here is the link : https://jam.dev/c/66d009a9-9470-490e-9454-11c89e8a7eaa
Please have a look

Hi @siddhantjain15298

I apologize for the confusion, there was a typo in my last message. I meant 14.4.0, and you can see that it’s fixed here, with the pre-release build: https://jsfiddle.net/handsoncode/29poz0fn/

The release should be out this week. I’ll update you once it’s live.

Hi @siddhantjain15298

I just want to let you know that v. 14.4.0 that contains the fix is released. Now you can use official build to fix the issue.

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