How forbid close Edititor handsontable vue

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc61617b78> #<Tag:0x00007efc61617a10>

The situation is this, I update the data through instance.setDataAtCell
for a period of 5 seconds
when i try to edit a cell the editor closes,
How to keep the editor open while refreshing data
I am using handsontable version 12.3.3 in VUE3

Hi @denis.safib

Thank you for contacting us. While I don’t have the full knowledge of your requirements, I think that this example might be helpful in your case. It blocks setDataAtCell while the cell is being edited until you finish the editing.

If you open the cell with the value Gray (last cell in last column) it won’t update the data until you close the editor. If you do nothing, for 5 seconds it will be updated to the new value.

<hot-table ref="documentTable" :settings="settings" class="document-page__table"></hot-table>

this.settings = {

data: this.cells,

an array of data arrives in this.cells from the backend
every five seconds
and it turns out that in the afterChange event
going edit’

and the editor closes, I need to update the data for the entire table without closing the editor

The closest solution to your issue we have is the one I mentioned in my previous post.

If you have an active support plan, please send us your license ID at and we will be able to see if it covers code review service. Then you can share your project with us, and we will be able to give more guidance on the implementation in your specific case.