How get filtered row source data

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f1368f697f8> #<Tag:0x00007f1368f69488>

Hi Team,

I migrated the angular project from v14 to v17 and updated the handsontable version from v7 to v14.1. in v7 after filter the table, if we are edit means we are getting the actual index number of the row from source data and based on that we are setting rowObject.action is 2. It used for backend to update the details.

After updated v14, we are getting row index based on filtered data, like I have 3 rows (indexes - 0, 1, 2) and filtered last row and edit means, I am getting index of the edited row is 0 instead of 2 in afterChange() hook.

Here problem is, I am try to get source data of the edited row after filter because I have unique filed is “id” but not displaying in the table. When I use getData() it is giving an array which showing details in table but no source data, if tired with soruce parameter index from afterchange hook after filter edit, it will give 0 as index but filtered row is in 2 index of source data.

Based on id only I can identify the edited row from source data but not getting those details in getdata(). is there any way to get filtered row source data details?.

Advance Thanks!!!.

Hi @saravanan.m

Do you have an example where it can be replicated? It will be easier to work on the issue this way and let us better understand the problem.