How to add a inline style in row in angular

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how to add a inline style in row in angular

Hi @saran123

In the current state of Handsontable we are not styling rows as the TR elements, we style THs and TDs. So if you would like to style a row you’d need to style all TDs on a given index of the row.

I have an example with a custom cell rendered that can help here. Demo:,src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.css,src%2Fapp%2Fapp.module.ts

In this case a custom cell renderer is added to the table and has a condition to alter visuals of a certain row index. However, you can also use cells or cell to apply the renderer to a certain row/group of cells.

Thanks @aleksandra_budnik,

But i used afterRenderer function for get the row and applyed my style

That can also work. However, I recommend checking both solutions based on how they affect the performance of the application.