How to add new columns based on new input from users which is stored in a list

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64dea5a0> #<Tag:0x00007efc64dea398>

my appended list from user [[‘Folder1’, ‘2’], [‘Folder2’, ‘1’], [‘Folder3’, ‘3’]]

This is my expected output :

Likewiser under folder1 => 2 elements needs to be created, under folder2 => 1 elements needs to be created and under folder3 => 3 elements needs to be created

it should be based on the input values from the list…
can you give me some reference to do this

Hi @rameshpandiram

And how do you keep data for those Folders?

Let me give you something to start with

This is the current structure of the table.

We have set custom row headers with a className that aligns the titles to left and a parameter that changes the width of those headers to 200 pixels.

We set up custom nestedHeaders with 2-levels.

Data is filled from an array of objects with corresponding columns settings.

Please tell me if that is close to what you would like to achieve?

I haven’t asked like this anway Thanks for your kind reply I solved it… That is from user input which is collected in list that need to genrate a new column based on the given input respectively

Do you need any further help or should we close this thread?