How to copy cell value in left to current cell on keypress?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b99f5dc8>

Hello i am trying to use a functionality where on hitting space should replicate data from cell in the left and set the same value in current cell box

and is Handsontable pagination available for free ?

can i use hooks and afterchange to change date cell like 25042019 to automatically convert to 25/04/2019?

Hey @ruxofu

and is Handsontable pagination available for free ?

we do not offer pagination. It should be done server-side.

can i use hooks and afterchange to change date cell like 25042019 to automatically convert to 25/04/2019?

Yes, you can. But that would need some additional logic. I guess that you’d need to use slice method (native JS) to get this done.

and the last one

a functionality where on hitting space should replicate data from cell in the left and set the same value in current cell box

The first thing that comes to my mind is:

  • what if a user just wants to type a text with some spaces?

thanks for suggestion i just realized i can do that by js

yes actually my requirement is much simple if user clicks on space in the first instance of word i want to populate the cell from left one else i want render the date thing

in a either case if user click on space copy the value from left cell is populated else he would provide a text content like 25052019 which i can set the value as 25/05/1997

previously we were using our own framework modified version of GWT (Java) where i was reading the grid value on every onkeypress function
so if current key presscode equals to 32 i used to set text in current grid eventually we started migrating to JS and now we can not find any alternative to this functionality

I’m glad that you found a way to do it. Thank you for sharing the feedback.