How to display only few lines of text for cells with long text

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc70932010>

We have Handsontable with cell containing quite a long text that takes several lines for a given column width.
I consider Handsontable options when Row/Column Resize is true. I see on the example:
that when I paste long text in Currency column, column width becomes big. When I resize it, the text is displayed in several rows. After this operation it’s not possible to display only 1 or 2 lines of text even though I try to drag row height. Instead all text is displayed.

Let’s say we fix the width for the column. With this width text in the cell should take 3 rows (in general ‘n’ rows). Ideal solution would be the following (see images below):

  1. If user makes row height enough to display one row, only one row is displayed with eliipsis at the end
  2. If user makes row height enough to display two rows, only two rows are displayed with ellipsis at the end
  3. If row height is enough to display all text, no ellipsis is displayed at the end.

Is it possible to achieve this?

Hi @ibursky

Regarding this idea:
If user makes row height enough to display one row, only one row is displayed with eliipsis at the end
Currently the cell’s content cannot be truncated. We are planning to add this feature in the future.

Do you already have it in plan for specific release? What time may we expect this feature?
I mean the posibility for user to regulate the height of the row and display only few lines of cell with very long text.

Currently it is not planned for Q1 of 2017 however you could try to use html renderer and pack the content into a DIV element with scroll