How to format handsontable data

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b5abbd10>

Hi, I have a field whose data is in the datetime format, I would like to format the data to show just the time. I am working with react and to do this normally, I would use moment(a react package).

Like this:

this does the formatting for me, but using handsontable, how do I achieve this, because with handsontable, I just need to set the object inside the column array like this:

columns: [

        { data: "updated_at", readOnly: true, width: 90 },

        { data: "updated_at", readOnly: true, width: 90 },

        { data: "updated_by", readOnly: true, width: 120 },

        { data: "field_name", readOnly: true, width: 120 },

        { data: "new_value", readOnly: true, width: 100 },

        { data: "notes", readOnly: true, width: 150 },


How do I do the formatting here?

Hi @magneticdigital1

Handsontable has a date and time cell type. We do not provide a built-in DateTime cell yet. However, if you do not need an editor like that just the display you can build a custom renderer

thank you. figured it out.

Thank you for a prompt update.

I’m closing this topic as solved.