How to get all mergeCells data

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6d89b500> #<Tag:0x00007efc6d89a380>

Hi Team,

I need to show one table with merged data and another table with unmerged(actual) data. Order of displaying is first merged data and then actual data. While doing it merged fields data i’m getting as null and if i use the same source of data in another table to show the unmerged data ending up in displaying wrong data i.e., null instead of actual values.
Please note that we’re using the same source of data for both the tables and was working fine before handsontable upgrade from 7.4.2 to 14.0.0

The issue I’m facing is underlying source also getting updated with merge

Hi @veldi.supriya

Merge cells plugin is constructed in such way, that the area that is presented visually as merged underneath has nulled cells. That’s why getting the values from the table with merged cells and displaying them in another table will not work.

Can you please show me your previous solution, and how it used to work for you?

Hi @adrian.szymanski,

We didn’t make any change in code recently, after upgrading to 14.0.0 we’re facing this issue. The only setting update we made recently is added autoWrapRow:true.

Ok, I see. If your solution worked previously in 7.4.2, then it must be due to the changes we introduced since then.

I would recommend checking the migration guides we have here: to see if there’s a part which should be changed in your code because of the changes we made.

Hi adrian,

Source getting affected after the cell merge.

Worked fine with older version 7.4.2.

Facing issues with version 14.0.0.

I believe, the source should not get affected after the cell merge and it’s affecting our existing functionalities.

You can find the issue in below js-fiddle sample that on clicking ‘OK’ button ‘name’ of ‘id’=3. became null
Handsontable example - JSFiddle - Code Playground

Hi @veldi.supriya

Regarding source data modification, I can’t really see the change between v. 7.4.2 and v. 14.0. I checked it on a minified example, and it works the same even on 7.4.2: