How to get initial settings

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b9453140>


I made some tables with settings (data, rowHeaders, etc.) and that’s working.
Now I’m trying to get back all of this settings.

So I tried the instance.getSettings() to get back my initial settings. But I don’t know why, this function returns me an empty object.

Example here :

Can you please say me how to get back my initial settings ?


Hey @duval.antoine

You can get them by calling

var a = hot.getSettings().__proto__ console.log(JSON.stringify(a))

But, we did not plan on getting all of the settings at once. That’s why in most of the cases it’s better to call dedicated hooks and methods (getData() for data, afterColumnSort for sorting order etc.)

ps. cool Fiddle nickname

Thanks, it’s working.

That’s the best nickname :stuck_out_tongue:
If you like it, I will always use it to ask you my questions in the future.

Have a nice day.

if that’s not a problem :smiley:

Nevertheless, you can always share some questions if needed.