How to import EDITOR_STATE?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc72f52880> #<Tag:0x00007efc72f526c8>

Hello. Could anyone help me with my question:
How to import EDITOR_STATE variable? I’m tried few variants but they not work:

  1. import { EDITOR_STATE } from 'handsontable';
  2. import { EDITOR_STATE } from 'handsontable/editors/baseEditor/baseEditor.js';
  3. import { EDITOR_STATE } from 'handsontable/src/editors/baseEditor/baseEditor.js';

Hi @denial.trombol

What would you like to achieve?

If you plan to create a custom cell editor based on the BaseEditor we recommend doing it as in this demo

Hi @aleksandra_budnik
You are right, I’m using custom cell editor based on BaseEditor. And I need EDITOR_STATE to compare current state with available states from it. It’s required for some extra logic.

Seems, I found how to import it:
import { EDITOR_STATE } from '@/../node_modules/handsontable/editors/baseEditor/baseEditor.mjs';

Thank you for additional details @denial.trombol

The EDITOR_STATE is not on the list of modules. I will check that with the team and get back to you after the weekend.


Could you share your custom editor logic? That way I will be able to share what’s the idea underneath this need.

This is no longer necessary. That logic quite big and I can’t share whole script due to NDA.
Thank you.

I understand. I will then close this thread.

If anything changes, please fee free to contact us at

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