How to load all columns?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b6975090>

I’m using version handsontable pro 6.2.2.

I’m using afterGetColHeader method to load the columns, but the final columns only load after doing the horizontal scrolling. How do I load all columns?

Hi @sidney.silva

You may use the viewportColumnRenderingOffset option. But that may degrade the performance of the application if you set the option to `countCols()’ so I recommend doing some testing. Maybe just slightly rising the offset level would be the best option for you.

I made the adjustment below:
_instance.viewportColumnRenderingOffset = _instance.countCols();

But the final columns are still rendered in the DOM only when scrolling to the right.

Can you share the logic you use for the afterGetColHeader hook I’d like to test the sam on my device.


afterGetColHeader: (coordA, coordB, value) => {
if (value) {
this.setClassHeader(coordB, value, columns, colsToHide, $scope.type, $scope.lastColToHide, $scope.labels);
} else {
this.setClassHeader(coordA, coordB, columns, colsToHide, $scope.type, $scope.lastColToHide, $scope.labels);

private setClassHeader(th, value, columns, colsToHide, type, lastColToHide, labels) {
let totalHide;
if (type !== ‘comum’) {
lastColToHide = columns[colsToHide[colsToHide.length - 1]].data;
const tableHeader = value ? value.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes : [];
if (tableHeader.length > 1) {
if (tableHeader[1].classList.contains(‘header-separador’)) {
if (th === columns.length - 5) {
if (lastColToHide === ‘total’) {
totalHide = true;
value.classList.add(‘cols-fix-right’, ‘right-59’);
} else {
totalHide = false;
value.classList.add(‘cols-fix-right’, ‘right-139’);
} else if (tableHeader[0] && labels.indexOf(tableHeader[0].data) >= 0) {
} else if (columns[th] && columns[th].data === ‘total’ && !totalHide) {
value.classList.add(‘cols-fix-right’, ‘right-59’);
} else if (columns[th] && columns[th].data === ‘function’) {
value.classList.add(‘cols-fix-right’, ‘right-39’);
} else if (columns[th] && columns[th].data === ‘edit’) {
value.classList.add(‘cols-fix-right’, ‘right-19’);
} else if (columns[th] && columns[th].data === ‘delete’) {
value.classList.add(‘cols-fix-right’, ‘right-0’);

Thank you for sharing the code.

The afterGetColHeader hook takes only 2 parameters, it means that your value is always undefined.

afterGetColHeader: (coordA, coordB, value) => {

docs reference: