How to make cell content overflow like Excel

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc61b97bc0>


I am looking for a way to overflow the long contents in a cell into the next cell like what Excel dose as default.
Is there any way to enable it?

I know setCellMeta can set wordWrap to false, but the overflowed part of content is hidden by the next cell, not overflowed.

Also, it’s hard to use merging cells in my case, because I verified that inserting rows and columns with merging cells was very slow if the table is huge.


Hi @kouichi.tanizaki

Can you attach a demo where we can reproduce the issue?
Please describe all the steps to do so.

Hi @piotr.nowak

I would like to know if there is any way to overflow the long contents in a cell into the next cell like Excel can as below.
I could not find out how to do this.

Thanks a lot!

In my opinion, Handsontable doesn’t have a this feature, unfortunately.

If you fill a cell a long content it’s visible only if the editor is open.

After closing editor the data is fit to the column space.

OK, thanks for the answer. I will try to use merged cells instead.