How to make cellProperties.format = "¥0,0.00" work?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc708f9b70>

I’m able to show USD $, using

cellProperties.type = “numeric”;
cellProperties.format = “$0,0.00”;

How to show up CNY currency sign $ in numeric?

Hi @twcloudwebapp
We are using numerl.js to represent numbers and currencies in Handsontable.
To change the currency please got to: and download prefered language package.

Thank you!
Where should I put language folder?

2016/04/27  06:01              .
2016/04/27  06:01              ..
2016/04/27  06:01            33,660 handsontable.css
2016/04/27  06:01            37,880 handsontable.full.css
2016/04/27  06:01         1,428,296 handsontable.full.js
2016/04/27  06:01            28,751 handsontable.full.min.css
2016/04/27  06:01           667,345 handsontable.full.min.js
2016/04/27  06:01         1,185,849 handsontable.js
2016/04/27  06:01            25,646 handsontable.min.css
2016/04/27  06:01           582,224 handsontable.min.js
2016/04/27  06:01              moment
2016/04/27  06:01              pikaday
2016/04/27  06:01              zeroclipboard

I see that you already have a full package but If there is not there, put the language file to moment > locale