I using version 6.2.2.
The desired functionality includes displaying three patterns in a single cell:
- Dropdown with multiple selections
- Dropdown combined with Checkbox and Textbox
- Dropdown with multiple selections, combined with Checkbox and Textbox
The contents of the Dropdown are variable, and I’m considering passing them either in a format similar to Dropdown’s source or through a global JSON variable.
Each of these patterns should be editable and allow the retrieval of values.
To achieve these, which approach would be more feasible, CustomEditor or CustomRenderer?
Are there any other methods?
If there are any good samples or examples, could you please share them with me?
I tried creating a sample with reference to the following page. Although the Dropdown is displayed, there are issues with its positioning (it appears considerably to the right) and it does not follow left-right scrolling properly.
My code is this.
'use strict';
const multipleEditor = Handsontable.editors.BaseEditor.prototype.extend();
const multipleRenderer = function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
if(!value) {
td.innerHTML = `<div class="htAutocompleteArrow">▼</div>`;
multipleEditor.prototype.createElements = function() {
multipleEditor.prototype.prepare = function(){
Handsontable.editors.BaseEditor.prototype.prepare.apply(this, arguments);
let source = this.cellProperties.source;
let options;
if(typeof source == 'function') options = this.prepareOptions(source(this.row, this.col, this.prop));
else options = this.prepareOptions(source);
for(let o in options) {
let oE = document.createElement('option');
oE.value = o;
Handsontable.dom.fastInnerHTML(oE, options[o]);
multipleEditor.prototype.prepareOptions = function(oTP){
let pO = {};
if(Array.isArray(oTP)) {
for(let i = 0, len = oTP.length; i < len; i++) pO[oTP[i]] = oTP[i];
} else if (typeof oTP == 'object') pO = oTP;
return pO;
multipleEditor.prototype.beginEditing = function(iV) {
Handsontable.editors.BaseEditor.prototype.beginEditing.apply(this, arguments);
multipleEditor.prototype.finishEditing = function(revertToOriginal, ctrlDown, callback) {
multipleEditor.prototype.discardEditor = function(validationResult) {
multipleEditor.prototype.saveValue = function(val, ctrlDown) {
multipleEditor.prototype.isOpened = function(){
multipleEditor.prototype.init = function(){
Handsontable.editors.BaseEditor.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
this.select = document.createElement('select');
this.select.multiple = 'multiple';
Handsontable.dom.addClass(this.select, 'htSelectEditor');
this.select.style.display = 'none';
multipleEditor.prototype.getValue = function(){
return this.select.value;
multipleEditor.prototype.setValue = function(value){
this.select.value = value;
multipleEditor.prototype.open = function(){
//Handsontable.editors.BaseEditor.prototype.open.apply(this, arguments);
let width = Handsontable.dom.outerWidth(this.TD);
let height = Handsontable.dom.outerHeight(this.TD);
let rootOffset = Handsontable.dom.offset(this.instance.rootElement);
let tdOffset = Handsontable.dom.offset(this.TD);
this.select.style.height = '100px';
this.select.style.minWidth = width + 'px';
this.select.style.top = tdOffset.top - rootOffset.top + 'px';
this.select.style.left = tdOffset.left - rootOffset.left + 'px';
this.select.style.margin = '0px';
this.select.style.display = '';
multipleEditor.prototype.close = function(){
this.select.style.display = 'none';
multipleEditor.prototype.focus = function(){
multipleEditor.prototype.createElements = function(){
Handsontable.cellTypes.registerCellType('multiple', {
editor: multipleEditor,
renderer: multipleRenderer
I wrote this seeking some hints. I apologize for the low-level question, and I appreciate your response. This message was generated using automatic translation, so I apologize if the English is awkward.