How to prevent row from beeing removed?

I have (probably a bizzare) setting that first row of the table must behave similarly to the header row. I have to disable option of removing that row by any means.

For that purpose I am creating a CellMeta for all cells in the first row for that as follows.

  if (row === 0) {
    const classes = ['header-row'];
    if (field.isRequired) {
    if (field.canBeAutogenerated) {
    const commentText = createCommentHeaderCommentText(field);
    const commentObj: CommentObject = commentText ? {
      value: commentText,
      readOnly: true
    } : null;
    return {
      disableVisualSelection: true,
      editor: null,
      readOnly: true,
      className: classes,
      label: {value: field.label},
      comments: !!commentObj,
      comment: commentObj,
      renderer: field.isRequired ? asteriskRenderer : undefined,
      allowEmpty: !field.isRequired,
      allowRemoveRow: false, // <----------- NOT WORKING 

I have set allowRmoveRow:false, but for whatever resons I can still remove that very first row using context menu->remove row or contex menu->remove rows.

Is it possible to disallow removal of any arbitrary row somehow?

Hi @sebastian.choina

the allowRemoveRow is a global settings, it works on the table level

May I ask what are other settings in your context menu? I think that it might be a good choice to create a custom menu that does not have some of the options for a given row index.

I have indeed tried that, but it was not working for some reasons so I am trying different approaches.

 private createContextMenuSettings(): GridSettings['contextMenu'] {
    const removeRowOpt = {
      name: 'Remove row',
      hidden: () => {
        console.log('ist not even called...', this.hotInstance().getSelectedRangeLast().from.row);
        return this.hotInstance().getSelectedRangeLast().from.row === 0;

    return {
      // @ts-ignore
      // row_above: {hidden:()=>{console.log(this)}},
      // row_below: {},
      // sp1: '---------',
      remove_row: removeRowOpt,
      clear_column: {},
      sp2: '---------',
      make_read_only: {},
      alignment: {},
      sp3: '---------',
      undo: {},
      redo: {},
      copy: {},
      cut: {}

Hm… Generally it works as you described But maybe you have not set the reference to the instance of Handsontable correctly. Does the menu show at all?

Yes menu was showing. The issue was nesting everything into { items :{here}} as it is required in this variant.
Also I had to add hidden function in a loop as all items has to be hidden for header row - It would be nice to have 1 hook that can do that (like CellMeta factory - i function for evey cell).

That’s true. Constructing and managing custom menus is time-consuming. It would be better to (for example) keep all options and have the ability to change/add a single option.