How to read excel template file and replace a text finded in handsontable

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c7309c40>

I have a excel file like this

and i am reading excel file data and displaying it in handsontable

Now my issue is if i replace the value of Last Name/Entity Name as shown in image as test it should replace this value in excel sheet also how to achieve it.

Hey @chethanbv.10

why do you refer to Excel? Are you doing export-to-file operation? Can you share any demo?

I am able to read the excel sheet now those source column are coming from excel sheet header only now i need to update those values

Once you change anything in the table you need to generate a new Excel file. There is no way to update the current one. If you want to generate the new file you can attach the export-to-file option to the afterChange hook.