How to remove few submenu option from alignment submenu

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6493a7f8> #<Tag:0x00007efc6493a668>

Hi there,
Currently, I’m looking to implement a context menu feature that allows for easy alignment of cell data. Specifically, I aim to streamline the alignment options by including only three choices: ‘left’, ‘middle’, and ‘center’, while removing any extraneous options.
Additionally, I intend to ensure that the ‘beforeCellAlignment’ hook remains fully operational without requiring the addition of any custom callback functions.
Please refer:,app%2Fapp.component.html

Hi @rupeshfend

It is very nice to get another ticket from you, but it seems that my colleague from Technical Support is still waiting for a Support plan confirmation in your older forum post. We really need that to confirm your plan. Especially as a task like this would require an additional custom demo coding that is not provided in all of the plans.

Please provide the Support plan details at

Thank you in advance.
I hope we will be able to solve that soon as move back to the issues.