How to set data in a plugin

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc719ca198>

I’m trying to write a plugin that gives a way of setting table data that’s an alternative to the data property. Within my plugin (enablePlugin), I am calling loadData. However, this renders no data in the table until a subsequent updateSettings({}) call is made.

Is there a reason why this would be the case? Also, if I call updateSettings({}) from within my enablePlugin function, I get an infinite loop in which my plugin is enabled over and over (even though my updatePlugin function does not call enablePlugin).

I’m using 1.3.1

Hi @pernice3 it sounds like an issue with rendering.
Could you create a simple demo to illustrate the problem?

Hi @pernice3
I assume that the lack of reply means that there’s no issue but please confirm that it no longer occurs.

Hi Aleksandra, I ended up deciding not to write the plug-in. If I get a chance, I’ll try to recreate the issue in a simple demo.

Thanks for an update @pernice3
I’m closing this issue but feel free to open new one if needed.