How to set overflow when `stretchH: 'last'`

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc72f764d8> #<Tag:0x00007efc72f76370>

I want to put the description column occupying the maximum size, leaving the other columns to have the fixed size, but looking at this link, I saw that you don’t have a solution for this for now
How to set fixed width for all columns except one

With that in mind, I put a large size in the description column and left the status column with the maximum possible size (using stretchH: 'last', but on small screens this means that I cannot scroll when necessary .

How to get this scroll-x? I would like the scroll to be the size of the div container, and only exist when the size of the container is smaller than the size of the entire grid

Here is a demo link:

Hi @guilherme.farias

The Handsontable does not renderer properly when the overflow-x is set as it has to know the size of the parent container. A possible solution to make it work is to set up a fixed height (that you can change whenever you like), like in this example

There is also an alternative solution if you want to have a fixed width for all of the columns, excluding one. You can use a DIV wrapper with fixed width as a custom cell renderer, and do not set that renderer for a column that should expand with the text. Here is an example of how to set up the renderer so the description column can be as wide as text and the rest is 100px-wide.

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