How to show/hide child column on check of checkbox which is present in parent column

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc7061d3e8>

How to show/hide nested column on check of checkbox which is present in parent column.

In Angular 6+.

Can you share you recent updates on this issue?

We do not provide a checkbox change in our examples, but I can help you to pick the best option to do it.

Yes Please, if you have any example with checkbox in header to show hide child column.

I want this is in angular 2+, because in JavaScript we can do this but in angular I am not able to hook dynamic html in handsontable.

I in my table collapsible column is there so that should not impact with solution.

Sorry, but we do not provide a checkbox change in our examples.

Do you work on any code or you haven’t started yet? If you have the Extended Support Plan I can schedule the code sample for you.


Yes currently, I have started working on this functionality. However, I am facing problem to add checkbox in header.
Yes we have a license for HandsonTable with ID

Please help us on this.

I will send you an email @fayejitendra

ps. I removed it from your post for security reasons.

Ok Thanks