How to show MySQL query result instead of the whole table?

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how can I get the MySQL query result instead of the whole table?

I want to run this query

SELECT * FROM cars where manufacture = ‘Honda’ ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 100

I try to modify the below line and it works to some extent but not working properly?

function &loadCars($db){
$select = $db->prepare(“SELECT * FROM cars ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 100”);

Hey @yatendra3192

what’s the length of your table? If you do not get all the records they might not have been rendered yet. You can try to add renderAllRows: true and check if the list is complete?

Hi @aleksandra_budnik

Thank you for replying

Rendering all row is not a problem.

The issue I’m facing is how to get only query result instead of the whole table. (i have sent the example file I’m working with on

Thank you. I will then reply on the email.