How to sync changes of HyperFormula cell with Handsontable table?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc626ff2b0> #<Tag:0x00007efc626ff030>


I have a table with two sheets. One of them (Summary) always hidden and keep only service information and formulas. And the second (Main) is visible to user and have formulas related to Summary.

The problem occurs when I need to update Summary data.
Let’s say, Main!E6 contains formula =Summary!C3 and Summary!C3 = 5. Data displayed correctly at the start. But when I update Summary!C3 to e.g. 10 table still shows 5 to user.

How to correctly update hidden sheet cells to make update visible at displayed sheet?

Example - codesandbox

Hi @denial.trombol

it seems that the only thing you need is hot.render() as the last execution in your button click event logic. There are some data alteration methods that trigger the renderer themselves but not in this case.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik
Your solution actually helps with sandbox example. But my project variant shows wrong result.
Do you have any ideas why it may happens?

The only thing that comes to my mind is the way Codesandbox is loading resources, but that would maybe cause a lack of formula calculations at all.

Are you sure that in your code there is no extra logic? We can try with a different sandbox or a zip.

It was not due to extra logic but wrong formatting. Cell was formatted as date, so 35 turns into 2-3 :expressionless:
Everything works like a charm with your help. Thanks!

Thank you for the update. I’m glad to hear that the case is solved.

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