How to use React component as custom renderer in cells option

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc61aab400> #<Tag:0x00007efc61aab298>


I’m trying to use a custom renderer to render a React component like the below example. However, the table would not return anything. Could you guide me the proper way to handle this?

FYI, I cannot use HotColumn like below example, because I’m using cells option which overrides HotColumn.

Hi @hjeong1200

Custom renderer declared as a component can’t be used like this, it has to be declared in a HotColumn to work correctly.

Hi @adrian.szymanski,

Thank you for the answer.
Do you have any feature plans for it to be added?


Currently we are working on refactoring our React wrapper so this behavior might change in the future. I will update you if that behavior will change after we implement it.

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