How to use tolltip in headers?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6d704520> #<Tag:0x00007efc6d7040c0>

Is it possible to use tolltip for the headers? Or is there any option to simulate something similar?

Hi @jonatas.locateli

Here we have an example showing how to setup a tooltip for column headers:

Hi, @adrian.szymanski!
Thanks for the feedback.
I did exactly like the demo example, but it didn’t work. It does not give any error, but the tolltip does not appear. How could I position it above the header?


I would need to see your implementation to tell what might be wrong and different in comparison to our example.

Hi @jonatas.locateli

Do we have any updates regarding this subject?

Hi, @adrian.szymanski and @aleksandra_budnik. I managed to find the problem, the tolltip div was being removed when rendering the table. So I changed its location in the html and it worked. Thanks for your support.

That’s excellent news, @jonatas.locateli.

Thank you for the update. I think that we can call it solved and close the thread.