Hyperformula named expressions using Japanese(Unicode) characters

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b4db4428> #<Tag:0x00007f51b4db42e8>


We’ve been looking at integrating Hyperformula into our application and have had quite good success with it lately :slight_smile:

One issue we’ve encountered is that named expressions which refer to sheet names that are in Japanese(unicode?) always seem to throw an error and cannot be evaluated (or they display an #ERROR when used with Handsontable.
Wondering if there’s any known limitations around this and if there are workarounds. It would be difficult for us to have to rename sheets/data (which are derived from excel) so hoping there’s a solution.

Here’s a codesandbox example to help demonstrate our problem - it’s based off one of your samples, but you’ll see that after just renaming one of the sheet names to include some Japanese characters, the error gets triggered.

Thanks for your time


Hi @aaron.tay

Thank you for contacting us. I have consulted this with our HyperFormula developer and he said that you can use unicode characters in sheet names but if you do you need to enclose the sheet name in single quotes whenever you use it in a cell reference, like this:

=IF('あは'!A2 > 'あは'!A3, "TeamA", "TeamB")

Here’s fixed version of your example: https://codesandbox.io/s/wonderful-murdock-7345d8?file=/src/renderers.js:1222-1277


Thanks so much!

I can’t believe we missed that I needed the single quotes. We looked deeper into our excel sheet and it they were all missing single quotes around the sheet names in formulas that were referencing them so that explains it! :smiley:

Thanks again

I’m glad we found a solution :slight_smile: I’ll close this topic now.