I have a trouble when access to source callback

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1da3a430>

Problem is handsondtable just access to source callback when I click to a cell after that It didn’t access to source callback when I’m typing. my config below.

container = document.querySelector(elements.dataCorrectionContainer)
settings = $.extend({}, tableSettings, {
  columns: [
      data: 'origin_input'
      editor: false
      data: 'correct'
      type: 'dropdown'
      renderer: (instance, td, row, col, prop, cellValue, cellProperties) =>
        cellValue = SN.Utils.inBrackets(cellValue)
        classType = instance.getDataAtRowProp(row, 'classType')
        classNames =
          "#{enum_class_type.blue_many_results}": 'background-blue'
          "#{enum_class_type.yellow_not_found}": 'background-yellow'
          "#{enum_class_type.green_changed}": 'background-green'
        $.each instance.getCellMetaAtRow(row), ->
          this.className = classNames[classType]
        Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments)
      strict: false
      allowInvalid: true
      trimDropdown: false
      source: (query, process) ->
        self.dataCorrectionLastSource = []
        self.searchLocation query, (data) ->
          self.hashLocationToID =  self.locationsToHashNameID(data)
          self.hashLocationToCode =  self.locationsToHashNameCode(data)
          sources = $instance.locationsToSource(data)
          self.dataCorrectionLastSource = sources
      validator: (value, callback) ->
        table = this.instance
        source = table.getSourceDataAtRow(this.row)
        location_id = $instance.hashLocationToID[value] || NOT_FOUND_ID
        $instance.suspiciousHash[source.origin_input].location_id = location_id
        table.setDataAtRowProp(this.row, 'location_id', location_id, CHANGE_BY_APP)
        location_code = $instance.hashLocationToCode[value] || undefined
        $instance.suspiciousHash[source.origin_input].location_code = location_code
        table.setDataAtRowProp(this.row, 'location_code', location_code, CHANGE_BY_APP)

        if self.dataCorrectionLastSource.length == 0
          table.setDataAtRowProp(this.row, 'classType', enum_class_type.yellow_not_found, CHANGE_BY_APP)
        else if value != source.old
            table.setDataAtRowProp(this.row, 'classType', enum_class_type.green_changed, CHANGE_BY_APP)
        callback true
      data: 'old'
      data: 'classType'
      data: 'location_id'
      data: 'location_code'
    columns: [2,3,4,5]
  stretchH: 'all'
  strict: true,
  rowHeaders: true
  colHeaders: [ 'Suspicious Value', 'Correct Value', 'Old value', 'Type', 'location_id', 'location_code']
  fixedRowsTop: 0
  preventOverflow: false
  minSpareRows: 0
  width: '95%'
  height: 500
  data: self.suspiciousData()
self.dataCorrenctionTable = Handsontable(container, settings)

I have figured out that, when I select cell by arrow key it’ll access to source callback, but when I select cell via mouse(click) it won’t access to source callback. Can you tell me the reason?

Hey @server.admin

that should not be an issue.

Could you please pass the settings into Stackblitz? It would be easier to debug it. You can use this demo as a base https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-fmhnbi?file=src/app/hello.component.ts

There’s no demo for a month. I believe that this is no longer as issue or the project has been held.