I test setCellMeta with react handsontable. I want add className in selected cell

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c6d29730>

I test setCellMeta with react handson table.
I want to add className in selected cell.Preformatted text

what am I wrong?
I think setCellMeta isn’t working.
Am I use other method for that?

this is my sample code ==================================================

  import React from 'react';
  import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
  import { HotTable } from '@handsontable-pro/react';
  import Handsontable from 'handsontable-pro';
  class ApplyCustomCellStyle extends React.Component {
 		this.tableSettings = {
   data: Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(8, 10),
   width: 800,
   height: 272,    
   rowHeaders: true,
   colHeaders: true,             
   outsideClickDeselects: false,
   selectionMode: 'multiple', // 'single', 'range' or 'multiple'      
this.hotTableComponent = React.createRef();

   let selected = this.hotTableComponent.current.hotInstance.getSelected();
   let target = e.target.id;

   for (let index = 0; index < selected.length; index += 1) {
 let item = selected[index];

 let startRow = Math.min(item[0], item[2]);
 let endRow = Math.max(item[0], item[2]);
 let startCol = Math.min(item[1], item[3]);
 let endCol = Math.max(item[1], item[3]);

 for (let rowIndex = startRow; rowIndex <= endRow; rowIndex += 1) {
   for (let columnIndex = startCol; columnIndex <= endCol; columnIndex += 1) {          
     if (target === 'addCaution') {  
       this.hotTableComponent.current.hotInstance.setCellMeta(rowIndex, columnIndex, 'className', 'redCol'); 

 render() {
   return (
    <button id="addCaution" onClick={this.addCaution}> Caution </button>      
    <HotTable ref={this.hotTableComponent} id="hot" settings={this.tableSettings} />
ReactDOM.render(<ApplyCustomCellStyle />, document.getElementById('example1'));

Hey @sansolmom

Can you change the following demo (your settings) to display the example https://jsfiddle.net/2hqpa7do/?
I will send it to our developer.

I adjusted my code. table is shown.

please check the code.

thanks so much for your help.

Hey @sansolmom

can you resend the demo?


thanks your help~

Hey @sansolmom

this in the addCaution method is undefined. The whole addCaution method can’t run.


I adjusted the source. so I check AddCaution func acting now. at first we have to select table cell and then click to caution button. I expect to change selected cell to red text.

what am I missing?

thanks for your support~

Please find the demo attached https://jsfiddle.net/5k7mjLw2/

I’ve added line 41. You only needed a call to the renderer. It is needed to repaint the table.

jinx~!!! Thank so Much~!!!


You’re welcome :slight_smile: