I want a new row always exists at the end of the handsontable

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f136b4617e0>


I want a new row (empty row) always exists at the end of the handsontable, no matter whether after the table have loaded the data nor after the table have just saved a new record.Thus, users can always enter a new record on the new row, without the need to always insert row below by context menu.

I have tried to set the minSpareRows property as 1 to achieve the above requirement, but if the table load more rows than last time, the empty row will display in the middle of the table, for example, last time I have loaded 2 rows in the table, and this time I want to load 10 rows, there is a needless empty row display at line 3, and also a spare row display at line 11, it seems odd.

Please how should I do to achieve the goal? thanks.

Hi @kailin.lu
Can you share a scenario how to replicate that situation?

I made a demo with two tables http://jsfiddle.net/7kL8ewtg/ and I tried to copy data from the bigger one to smaller and there’s always a spare row. The same case is when I use loadData like here: http://jsfiddle.net/6j27jf19/

Hi @aleksandra_budnik

This issue is also caused by ‘hiddenColumns’ option, as in the demonstrate: http://jsfiddle.net/kailkailin/g5ga4L1q/ . Please help us to fix the issue asap, thank you very much!

Thank you very much for the demo @kailin.lu
It’s definitely a bug - you can try to initialize minSpareRows after loadData() http://jsfiddle.net/zwe5ghsc/.
I do not know if this solution is accurate for your project - when you actually load extra data (by a click, after some events).

(note to devs: issue at #59)

same issue reported at: [GL #153] Extra row added after refresh data

Please track changes to this issue.