I want to add a background color to the line

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b19ef9df8>

I want to add a background color to the line, but the previous rendering will not work, what should I do?

Hey @1832654908

on what action the background should be added?


Similar to this, but other rendering will fail

Have you tried using cells method and attaching className like in this example https://jsfiddle.net/g8u7sdoy/?


But I have multiple needs to format

cp equals cellProperties in this case.

 cells: function(row, column){
	 	var cp = {}
		if(row % 2 === 0){
			cp.className = 'orange-cell'
			cp.renderer = 'negativeValueRenderer'
		return cp

thank you

You’re welcome. Let me know if you’d need anything else.