Implementing a cross-browser external scrollbar

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b9369cc0>

The situation is the following - I want to implement a custom scrollbar so it would had had a same style in every browser, i.e. Chrome, Firefox and IE (HOT shows a properly styled scrollbar in Chrome, but in Firefox and IE it rolls back to default).

Hey @n.schipkov

please check this subject
It mentioned the same case scenario.

Greetings, Aleksandra! Did I get it right that I should make changes in handsontable.css if I want to replace a built-in scrollbar?

That should be the first place to check, as we did not plan to allow 3rd party libraries change the scrollbars.

As you’ll see in the CSS file many of styles are coded with !important so they force the browser to follow their rules and may (in the result) block your scrollbar library styling.

Ok. One more question - have you ever worked with Power BI? There’s an issue about creating a Selection Manager by means of Power BI and Handsontable

Sorry, I haven’t got a notifier for this question. But as far as I remember we mentioned the same in another topic.

Unfortunately, we do not have any example for Power BI integration and haven’t tried it before.