I am using React wrapper of HOT.
I encountered " RangeError: toFixed() digits arguments must be between 0 and 100" error when I input a cell with a number for a specific column.
This only happens with a production build product.
I used React “react-scripts build” cra tool which internally uses a webpack to build.
I found a link that describes exactly what my problem is except I am using React .
The solution to this is using an older version (2.1.1) to avoid incompatible issue with numbro.
But I found that handontable fixed the version to 2.1.2 in January.
Solely doing ‘npm install numbro@2.1.1’ doesn’t help with the issue now.
My versions:
Handsontable @7.4.2
Numbro @2.1.2
react @16.13.1
What I found is that if I downgrade handsontable to “7.3.0” and with a numbro 2.1.1, the issue disappears, everything working fine. However, I don’t want to downgrade handsontable since I need future functionalities. I can only fix numbro version, but that doesn’t work.
Any solution to this?
Terry W