Indexes are getting wrong when applied filter

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b9456278>

Hi , I have data set , when i applied filter to one column and then try to chnage data in cell it is taking wrong index and value .

Hi @dprcsingh

Please share the Handsontable version number and your implementation settings.

Actually it is updating , original index and also the top index.
for example before filter i have data at position 5,6,7 and after applying filter it become 1,2,3 and when I am doing update on row , the postion 5,6,7 is updating as well as 1,2,3.!

Here I have updated column 5 but col1 also got updated .

Hi, Can you please tell me how I can get , phyical index value , if i applied filter and chnage the data

Hi @dprcsingh

Do I understand well that when you use 9.0.2 everything works well?

Here is a full range of information about the filtering action. I have used the beforeFilter to log the hook information. The rowIndexMapper gives a full range of information about the changes in indexes.

Thanks , It got fixed, after removing afterValidate hooks

Thank you for the update. I’m glad to hear that the issue is gone.

If you would need anything, please let me know at or open a new ticket on the forum.