Indian numerical system

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f136c8b7500>

I want to format the numerical cells in indian numerical system. No need to add rupees symbol. Just format it when typing or copy paste data with indian numerical formatting. How to achieve it.

Hi @bala_mcsd

As mentioned in the following topic Number cell culture sign

At the moment numbro.js (our dependency) is missing translation for Indian currency so the only way to use it would be to register a language in your project. Here is a tutorial about that.

Do you have sample how to define indian numerical system?
Do you plan to include support for indian numerical system?
If someone has done earlier please post code

HI @bala_mcsd

We base on the Numbro to provide the logic. They would need to add that information. Only then would we be able to present that in the table.
I bet that they are open for any pull requests, so if you decide to send them a pull request, I’ll do my best to ask the team to merge the newer version of Numbro.

Please send the url to send the pull request

Here is the pull request board of Numbro
And here is the documentation of languages