Insert Column left,Right and Remove Column is Grayed out in Context Menu

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc608bb9c0>

this.rowHeaders = true;
this.colHeaders = true;

var colArray=[];
for(var i=0;i<11;i++){
var cols={width:this.getColWidth(i)}
this.db = {
items: $rootScope.items
}catch(e){ this.cols=[{width: 80}, {width: 80}, {width: 80},{width: 80},{width: 100},{width: 50},{width: 80},{width: 110},{width: 100},{width: 100},{width: 80}];

this.settings = {
afterColumnResize:this.Resize,afterChange:this.changeIt,afterRemoveRow: this.destroy,afterCreateRow:this.afterCreate,
stretchH: ‘all’,
autoWrapRow: true,
maxRows: 100,
rowHeaders: true,
allowInsertColumn: true,
fixedRowsTop: 2,
fixedRowsBottom: 2,
fixedColumnsLeft: 3,
columnSorting: {
indicator: true
autoColumnSize: {
samplingRatio: 23
mergeCells: true,
contextMenu: true,
manualRowResize: true,
manualColumnResize: true,
manualRowMove: true,
manualColumnMove: true

Hey @shaiksazidh

how can I help you? Can you create a lice demo?

I can’t create a demo.I am unable to add new column or remove column from Database

Handsontable is a front-end solution. I do not know how to help you with the database. Can you share a case scenario or a video that shows the issue?