Is it possible to get formula descriptions and parameters from hyperformula?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64f47f88> #<Tag:0x00007efc64f47bc8>

Hi there, we’re using hyperformula in our table and displaying a dropdown of formula options. I was wondering if there is a way to get descriptions and/or parameters that should be passed into the formula from the api? Otherwise it can be quite difficult to use any new formulas without going back to the docs each time.

Hi @lizzie.gasson

Thank you for contacting us. If I understood correctly, you would like to get a tooltip showing what parameters should be provided in a chosen formula. This is something that can’t be done from our API. You would need to prepare custom tooltips for each formula, showing what the parameters should be.

Here’s an example of how the tooltips can be added to Handsontable: but of course it would need to be modified for your requirements.